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We believe life is better surrounded by people who encourage, support, and challenge you to grow in your relationship with Christ.

We’re not meant to live life by ourselves. God created us to live life connected to Him and to the people around us. When we connect with people who are committed to following Jesus, we set ourselves up for the support and encouragement we need to thrive. Join our Young Adults CNXN group and get connected today!


Creemos que la vida es mejor rodeada de personas que te animan, apoyan y desafían a crecer en tu relación con Cristo.

No estamos destinados a vivir la vida solos. Dios nos creó para vivir una vida conectada con Él y con las personas que nos rodean. Cuando nos conectamos con personas que están comprometidas a seguir a Jesús, nos preparamos para recibir el apoyo y el aliento que necesitamos para prosperar. ¡Únetee a nuestro grupo de CNXN para Jovenes Adultos y conéctate hoy!

schedule | Horario

May - June

Monday May 1st - 7:30pm

Monday May 15th - 7:30pm

Monday May 29th - 7:30pm

Monday June 12th - 7:30pm

Monday June 26th - 7:30pm

July - August

Monday July 3rd - 7:30pm

Monday July 10th - 7:30pm

Monday July 17th - 7:30pm

Monday August 7th - 7:30pm

Monday August 14th - 7:30pm

Monday August 21st - 7:30pm

September - 


Every Monday Except 

Monday November 27th

Monday December 25th

Monday January 1st

Cada Lunes Excepto

Lunes 27 de Noviembre

Lunes 25 de Diciembre

Lunes 1o de Enero

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